Laser Surgery May Help Us

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 12:31 PM, <> wrote:

Dear (Rev) Maggie

I recently discovered lipedema by web searching “painful fat” (having one’s BP taken should not send you throught the roof!).  I also came across a technology which _might_ be helpful, if the lymphatics are not too compromised yet – Zerona.  It is a low-level laser which causes a pore to open up in the fat cell, allowing the lipid to drain out where the lymphatic system can absorb and carry it away.  If the lymphatics have been damaged by the lipedema, than it may be useful only for some pain relief. (no, I don’t own any stock!)

The company which manufactures it is and their website specifically for Zerona is

I posted it on the Yahoo group as a possible experiment for folks, too.



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1 Response to Laser Surgery May Help Us

  1. lipedematalk says:

    Thank you so much for your information (new to me!). I have end stage lipedema, which means my lymph system is compromised. However, the younger you are when you are diagnosed, the better your chances are of deterring end stage lipedema, theoretically forever. This laser procedure, if successful would really help to keep women in stage one lipedema. The problem now is that insurance companied seldom pay for our lipedema care because the medical community has been slow to recognize it and is therefore not clear about a protocol. An orthopedic surgeon gave me this advice last year: “Got o your insurance company, hike your pants up and show them your legs. They are very persuasive!”

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